Why Make A Website?

I’ve had this same question in my head for a while. We started off some years ago on Facebook, a fledging little page that I used to post about my kids and their first foray into the music world. I would post videos of cafes and coffee shops they played in, and would hunt around for other like-minded pages and parents and bands to connect with. From there, as I started to realize I needed to start booking their own shows, I used it as a platform of outreach, begging other bands to come join us and play a show whenever I could convince a venue to host a gaggle of teens and pre-teens on their stage.

From Facebook, we naturally moved to Instagram, and are now dipping our toes in the waters of Tik Tok. But in the end, these social media platforms are all ephemeral, in the moment, and time-linear. Things I posted a week ago are soon buried in the mass of other posts from other people, and algorithms choose what is displayed to whom, and what gets lost in the ether forever.

As the kids grew, in age and talent and diversity of skillset, and as we grew the collection of people we consider part of the fam, our portfolio as skilled artists and technicians grew too. And as this portfolio grew, from posting about shows to actually booking shows, from releasing recorded materials to actually recording the materials ourselves, from buying shirts and merchandise to actually producing the merchandise ourselves, the need for a central place to house all the things that we do in the fam grew.

And thus the we find ourselves here today, shaping and crafting and building a website to promote and advertise and share the entire collective of what it is we are, what the fam is. We have so much to offer now, it didn’t seem right to stand on the social media platform while train after train of timelines whizzed by, shouting to each person in the car “HEY, WE GOT A LOT OF STUFF TO OFFER! YOU NEED A STUDIO? YOU WANT TO BE RECORDED? MIXED? MASTERED? YOU WANT SOME VIDEO PROMO STUFF FOR YOUR BAND? YOU WANT TO BOOK A SHOW?” Too few ever saw us standing there, and fewer still ever were able to hear our message.

So, this is it now. While we’ll still shout from the platforms, that will never change, we can now simply shout “GO TO FIVEBYTWORECORDS.COM” and hope that message gets out a lot more clearly to a lot more people.

We’d love for you to help us with that message. So please, if you’ve read this far, feel free to do a little shouting on your own….just, like, do it at a safe social distance, ok?





Save the summer: Notes from the ‘live by two sessions’